If your dogs mean as much to you as mine do to me, you’ll want them captured by the best photographer…

When I photograph dogs I aim to capture their personality and character, as well as their distinguishing features -
whether that’s barking their way around an agility course, playing chase in the woods, ragging their favourite toy, eagerly awaiting their food bowl, or just posing on their bed at home!

If you prefer posed portraits I also have portable studio lighting & backdrop: all I need is an indoor space around 3 metres square to set it up.

Ian Watts is The Dog Tog

  • Location Photoshoot

    Dog Photoshoots

    A photoshoot of your dog(s) at the location of your choice in or around the Lake District - or maybe in their own home?

  • Dog Sports Event Photography

    Dog Sports Event Photography

    With extensive experience of photographing Dog Agility, Flyball, HTM, Mushing, Canicross and more…

  • Dog Photography Coaching

    Dog Photography Coaching

    Who better to teach you how to photograph dogs than an International Professional Photographer and Skills Instructor?

NEW! Montage Photoshoot Package

This is a very special package to give you an amazing 24"x16" print montage of your special dog(s) for your wall - in addition to 10 ‘web-res’ digital images for social media, etc.

All for just £175.00 (+p&p)